Friday, May 21, 2010

Questions Related to Lab 

1) What is fork() system call?
2) What is the difference between "fork()" and "vfork()" system call?
3) What getpid() and getppid() returns?
4) Differences between different "exec" system calls?
5) Difference berween fork and Exec system call?
6) What is the function of wait() system call?
7) Difference between wait() and sleep() system call?
9) What is a process?
10) Difference between process and program?
11) What fork() system call returns to each process?
12) What is IPC?
13) Expand POSIX?
14) What is pipe?
15) What is a message Queue?
16) What is shared memory?
17) Among message queue and shared memory which is faster?
18) Among message queue and shared memory, requires seperate synchronization?
19) What is a server?
20) What is echo server?
21) Explain Working of Producer-consumer, reader-writers and dining philosophers?
22) Why file locking is done?

Questions Related to Theory

1) What is an Operating System?
2) What is a critical section?
3) what is mutual exclusion?
4) what is race condition?
5) What is deadlock?
6) What are the necessary conditions of deadlock?
7) What is a Semaphore and what are the operations on semaphores?
8) What at conditional variables?
9) Difference between conditional varialbles and semaphores?
10) Difference between process and Thread?
11) What is physical address and what is logical address and how are they different?
12) What is process switch and what is context switch and what happens when these happens?
13) What is page fault?
14) What is round robin scheduling?


Unknown said...

Sir its gr8 that u hv updated the questions for viva,thnx a lot! Bt I was wandering if u could even provide the answers for those questions.,which would b even more worthy!!!

Rizwan said...

Sir.....its pleasure 2 show... important towards students.....sir...plz..provide answers fr the viva questions...