Friday, May 21, 2010

 Producer Consumer Problem using Shared Memory and Semaphores.
 Program to demonstrate Exec family's system call.

 Program to demonstrate pthread- create,sleep,join,exit.
 Program to demonstrate Exec family's system call.

 Readers-Writer problem using Semaphore.
 Program to demonstrate Exec family

 Dining Philosopher's problem using Semaphores.
 Program to demonstrate Exec family

 Echo Server using Pipes.
 Program to show existence of an zombie process.

 Program to demonstrate file related system calls.
   Application:- Make copy of a file
   Program to show usage of signal  

 Program to demonstrate file locking using system call.
  Program to show usage of signal  

 Echo Server using Message Queues.
 Program to demonstrate usage of fork,wait, sleep,getpid, getppid.

 Print type of file for each command line argument.
 Program to show existence of an orphan process.

 Program to printing file attributes for specific descriptor.
  Program to demonstrate Exec family
 (note: execute a user define program)


Unknown said...
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arsalan said...

some of the viva questions asked on 24-05-10.
1. what is os.
2. what is the problem occured by with reader writer, dining phiosopher,producer consumer and solutions to that problem.
3. what is IPC
4. what are system calls.
5. define fork, signals nd exec family.
6. what is critical section nd write its code.
7. what are fatal nd non fatal errors.
8. what is VI.
9. what is linex, os.
10. which os is used in the lab.
11. what is telnet.
12. about semctl nd explain each parameters in it.
13. what are semaphores.
14. what is kernel.
15. what is clone.
16. what is beladis anamoly
17. what is thrashing.
18. what is page fault.
19. define stat.
20. what is race condition.
21. what is operating system.
22. what is L in execl nd P in execlp.

Anonymous said...

some more questions are to create an empty file with a single command on bash (donno)
2.wat does a stand for in a.out(assemler)
3.wat is vi(its an editor vi stands for visual)
4.wat does cc stand for(c compiler)
5. expand the following
ii TCB
iii ZZ
iv 0666 nd wat is its weigth ??(i wonder wat it would be)
v $ (it stands for bash)
vi man (for manual entries)
6. wat is the technical name for reader writes problem (its not critcal section i told it nd it was wrong)
7.wat is swapping ,backing store, rollin ,roll out etc etc....
8.advantages about linux
9.diff bw unix and linux

ant recollect ne more .....

Unknown said...

hey smart n arsalan thnx a lot!!!
fo providing these Questions.
If u cud recollect anythng else do post here n anywayz wish u good luck fo ur java.

irfan said...
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