Friday, November 05, 2010

1) What is UTC
2) What is external synchronization
3) What is Internal synchronization
4) What is Clock drift
5) What is Clock skew
6) What is linearization or consistent run
7) What are the essential requirements of mutual exclusion
8) What is the integrity condition of consensus problem
9) What is the integrity condition of Byzantine generals problem
10) What is the integrity condition of interactive consistency problem
11) What is a failure detector
12) What is dirty read
13) What is meant by ‘serial equivalence’
14) What is cascading aborts
15) What are the phases in ‘Optimistic Concurrency Control’
16) What is flat transaction
17) What is nested transaction
18) What is distributed transaction
19) What is phantom deadlock
20) What is FIFO ordering
21) What is Casual ordering
22) What is total ordering
23) What is sequential consistency
24) What is virtual partition
25) What is a ‘checkpoint’

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Assignment -1 -- Distributed Systems -- 4/4 CSE

1) What are the different problems that are encountered due to heterogeneity in design of Distributed Systems?
2) What is transparency and write in detail about different types of transparency.
3) Write about different system architectures in distributed systems.
4) Write about a) CORBA's common data representation
b) Java Object Serialization
c) XML
5) Discuss in detail design issues of RMI.
6) Discuss different architectures for multi threaded servers.
7) Discuss different operating system architectures.
8) Write about x.500 directory service.
9) Discuss various failure models.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Marks division in Lab Examination---------

Program/Preparation of experiment 20
Execution/ Conduct of experiment successfully 15
Viva Voce 15
Total 50

Friday, May 21, 2010

Correct procedure for last program

ie;- Program to demonstrate Exec family.
Note:- execute a user define program.

step 1: Write two programs 1) execdemo.c
2) add.c (ie: this could be any user program without exec system call,
source code of both the programs is given below)

// execdemo.c

int main()

printf("Demonstration of EXECL system call by executing user program\n");
printf("This will not be printed\n");

// add.c

int main(int argc,char *argv[])
int a,b,c;
printf("Addition of %d and %d is %d\n",a,b,c);

step 2: Compile first program with command ------- cc execdemo.c
Compile second program with command ------ cc -o add add.c ( here the object will go in "add" file)

step 3: execute as ------ ./a.out
Questions Related to Lab 

1) What is fork() system call?
2) What is the difference between "fork()" and "vfork()" system call?
3) What getpid() and getppid() returns?
4) Differences between different "exec" system calls?
5) Difference berween fork and Exec system call?
6) What is the function of wait() system call?
7) Difference between wait() and sleep() system call?
9) What is a process?
10) Difference between process and program?
11) What fork() system call returns to each process?
12) What is IPC?
13) Expand POSIX?
14) What is pipe?
15) What is a message Queue?
16) What is shared memory?
17) Among message queue and shared memory which is faster?
18) Among message queue and shared memory, requires seperate synchronization?
19) What is a server?
20) What is echo server?
21) Explain Working of Producer-consumer, reader-writers and dining philosophers?
22) Why file locking is done?

Questions Related to Theory

1) What is an Operating System?
2) What is a critical section?
3) what is mutual exclusion?
4) what is race condition?
5) What is deadlock?
6) What are the necessary conditions of deadlock?
7) What is a Semaphore and what are the operations on semaphores?
8) What at conditional variables?
9) Difference between conditional varialbles and semaphores?
10) Difference between process and Thread?
11) What is physical address and what is logical address and how are they different?
12) What is process switch and what is context switch and what happens when these happens?
13) What is page fault?
14) What is round robin scheduling?
 Producer Consumer Problem using Shared Memory and Semaphores.
 Program to demonstrate Exec family's system call.

 Program to demonstrate pthread- create,sleep,join,exit.
 Program to demonstrate Exec family's system call.

 Readers-Writer problem using Semaphore.
 Program to demonstrate Exec family

 Dining Philosopher's problem using Semaphores.
 Program to demonstrate Exec family

 Echo Server using Pipes.
 Program to show existence of an zombie process.

 Program to demonstrate file related system calls.
   Application:- Make copy of a file
   Program to show usage of signal  

 Program to demonstrate file locking using system call.
  Program to show usage of signal  

 Echo Server using Message Queues.
 Program to demonstrate usage of fork,wait, sleep,getpid, getppid.

 Print type of file for each command line argument.
 Program to show existence of an orphan process.

 Program to printing file attributes for specific descriptor.
  Program to demonstrate Exec family
 (note: execute a user define program)